tuesday :: 16.july.2002

This is the view of the rainforest from the Richmond Great House.

We just happened to stop here because Wayne said he knew the professor who owned the Great House.

The owner of Richmond Great House is Hollis Lynch, a former professor at Columbia University, a very handsome and exceedingly charming and flirtatious man. The House, which dates from 1766, stands atop a mountain with the rainforest in the background and the ocean on the other side. It is a former sugar plantation house which has been restored by the present owner. We were very lucky to meet Professor Lynch, who gave us a tour of the house and grounds. He showed us his African art and textile collection, along with his many photographs which hung on the wall, and entertained us with his stories, his viewpoints and himself in general.

There are a couple of rooms at the front of the house which are available for rent -- neither were occupied at this time. There are also a number of other rooms available in an annex section of the house. The views are spectacular. Barbara was very impressed with a group of parrots which swooped across the sky.

Scene from our Driving Tour of the Island
Read an account of another tourist's stay at the Richmond Great House

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