May 31, 2008

bead and button 2008

day one: i usually hate this day because we spend all day traveling and always arrive in milwaukee very late in the evening.

we were delayed an hour and a half out of san francisco and then when we reached kansas, we had to stay late and bring on a bunch of people who had another flight cancelled on them.

then we got to the hotel and found that we were in a SMOKING room -- yuck. the hotel was fully booked so we'll stay here one night and they promised to move us tomorrow. stink, stink, stink. oh hyatt how we "love" thee...

--- signed, we three stinky ashtrays (stink, stank and stunk)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:24 PM

May 07, 2008

sunroom gardening

i wanted to try my hand at growing some vegetables in my sunroom. i picked up some peas and zucchini seeds and mom helped me plant them in empty egg cartons. they've all sprouted and have grown quite a few roots. i planted them in soil today. i don't know which plants are the peas and which ones are the zucchini -- guess i'll have to wait and see. mom is sending me some of her bamboo from her yard so i can use them as stakes.


i think these are the peas:



i think these are the zucchini:



Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:09 PM