March 21, 2008

rimrock cape (in elderberry)

i loved working on this cape. the yarns are vibrant, rich colors and textures and the combinations are spectacular.

unfortunately, this pattern (by cat bordhi) is one size fit all.... and it doesn't fit me! so cheryl has a new cape for now.... i told her i would be taking it back when i get down to her size. i've got a long way to go.

rimrock cape.jpg

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:50 PM

March 15, 2008

from my iphone

my laptop is dead. I am pecking this out with my new iPhone. Should have a new laptop late next week hopefully.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:21 PM

March 09, 2008

more spinning

i'm continuing to practice my spinning. i'm even harboring small lustful thoughts of getting a spinning wheel -- but i've been strong and have beat those thoughts back.

here's my progress so far:
spinning 03092008.jpg


i did put in an order at carolina homespun for a couple of books and a dvd. i'm having soooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:23 PM

March 01, 2008

first outing

i went out last weekend -- it was my first outing since getting sick.

i went to stitches 2008 in santa clara with lynda and joy! it was sooooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!

i have put aside all of my knitting projects in progress and started up on rimrock cape by cat bordhi. i'm doing it in elderberry colorway. here's an in-progress pic with my new camera -- sorry it's so blurry, i need to practice taking pics with the new camera:

i also picked up a drop spindle (bosworth morado 1.89 oz) and some roving to try my hand at spinning. here's a pic of the yarn (knitted) which i spun (along with a couple of very patient teachers) at the carolina homespun booth. i have not been able to duplicate the steps with the roving i bought so i'm going to need to practice a whole lot more or take some lessons.
first spin.jpg

Posted by lesleeroberts at 03:04 PM

rejoining the living

i've been pretty sick since the new year and am just now starting to feel better.

in january, after a trip to the emergency room, a one-day stay in the hospital and many follow-up visits to various clinics, i am now struggling to bring a serious hyperthyroid problem (likely grave's disease) under control. i didn't know i had the hyperthyroid condition so it became very severe and it caused a heart condition called atrial fibrillation.

i have regained the muscles in my legs and can now walk and climb the stairs. my stamina continues to grow stronger and i am starting to feel better.


Posted by lesleeroberts at 02:53 PM