July 23, 2007

tool crazy

planishing.jpgplanishing (aka baby chasing)

large_embossing.jpglarge embossing (aka river rock & stone)

small_embossing.jpgsmall embossing (aka sand & pebble)

narrow_raising.jpgnarrow-raising (aka twig & branch)

wide_raising.jpgwide-raising (aka trunk & tree)

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i go crazy for tools and all the doo-dads that go with my many hobbies. beading and jewelry feed my insatiable desire to collect, as well as create.

at the bead and button show in milwaukee this past june, i picked up a set of fretz hammers from janice berkebile's table. they are smaller-sized jeweler's hammers, smooth and rich in your hands, perfectly balanced, beautifully made... they are used for texturing metal.


recently, i was able to find a stand (made expressly for these fretz hammers) at progress tool.


ahhhh, life is good.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:22 PM

July 07, 2007


i fondly recall the meals my mom prepared when we were growing up. back in those days, eating meat was much more common that it is today. it's very unusual for me to cook a 'hunk of meat" but when i was in safeway the other day, i saw a 2-1/2 pound rib eye bone-in roast, which i quickly scooped into my cart. i roasted it tonight, the first time i've made a roast beef in several years. dad went out for dinner so he missed this one.... too bad, it was great.


Posted by lesleeroberts at 12:15 AM

July 04, 2007

deb and noah in sf 2007

the house is quiet again... debbie and noah are back in rainier.

they spent several days here in sf -- visiting with nana, eating, and having fun.

here are some pics of the fillmore street festival, eating out at various restaurants, and visiting the beach and sutro park.

what it doesn't show is all of us scarfing down beard papa cream puffs (green tea, vanilla and chocolate), how disappointed Noah was when we saw that the arcade at the Metreon was closed down, and how much of the time was spent playing NINTENDO DS (New Super Mario and Pokemon Diamond)..... WOW, that was FUN!!!

Posted by lesleeroberts at 12:23 PM