September 25, 2006

hooked on wire 2006

it was another amazing year at the hooked on wire retreat. this year, the location moved from san francisco to neighboring burlingame (near sfo airport) -- a much nicer location. unfortunately, there was no presentation by the swarovski crystal folks due to a conflict in schedule (they were releasing their new product lines) but the teachers, the classes, the projects, susan's mini-store, the big give-aways were A-1 fantastic again this year. hats off to susan kazarian from the beading frenzy, lisa niven kelly, barb switzer, and dallas lovett

photos from classes at this year's fantastic hooked on wire retreat:

lisa niven kelly's woven bezels:

barb switzer's butterfly hinge chain:

dallas lovett's enchanted bracelet:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:44 PM

September 06, 2006

hanauma bay

anna and cheryl at hanauma bay:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:17 PM

September 05, 2006

kayaking in hawaii

cheryl and her friend anna recently returned from a vacation in hawaii. they were celebrating the end of their undergraduate studies -- both are graduating this year. here they are kayaking off the coast of oahu -- first time for both, both a little afraid:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:51 PM

September 02, 2006

tabac crown jewel

i finished laura mccabe's crown jewel kit (tabac colorway) while I was up in rainier. happy birthday mom!

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:58 PM


today, joy and i had lunch down at the ferry building and spent the rest of the day leisurely shopping at the farmers market and then chatting/knitting in justin herman plaza. it was a beautiful sunny day.

here are some dahlias i picked up:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:55 PM

sock 4

my 4th pair of socks (view yarn label)-- completed when i was up in rainier:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:34 PM