August 26, 2006


debbie and mom have kept up their percussion lessons. debbie is now performing with the planet percussion group (far left on stage in red shirt):

she's also beginning to make instruments as well. here is her first shakere:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:23 PM

August 23, 2006

restless nights

this is the road to the house in rainier. i wanted to show you this road so you could get a feel for the remoteness of the area.

now picture this road at night.

i slept in today until around 11:00 a.m. i can't even remember the last time i ever did that but i've been having trouble sleeping these last few nights. it's been warm and i've kept the bedroom window wide open.

the freaky sounds at night here are keeping me awake most of the night... dogs barking, coyote noises, peacocks screaming, strange cattle braying, animals screaming like they're being torn apart, animals crying, gunshots throughout the night.

i have visions of sasquatch coming through the window any moment...

mom gave me some earplugs... i hope they help.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:02 PM

August 21, 2006

birthdays 2006

august birthdays at dave's and vicky's place:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:05 AM

square foot gardens

everyone is converting (or getting ready to convert) their gardens into new square foot gardens. dave is in the process of rebuilding the garden fence and leveling the boxes. it's his first "building" project:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:03 AM

old barn

i don't know why i love this old barn.... i've admired it for a number of years now and was finally able to get a picture of it:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:44 AM

August 18, 2006

the wonders of gps

garmin_nuvi_360.jpghave i ever mentioned that i don't drive on freeways because most of the time, i never arrive at my destination? ah, sad but true... i can read maps but can't remember the details when i am driving. i can't drive and read turn-by-turn instructions at the same time. i was sick and tired of getting lost so i pretty much stopped driving on freeways.

however, i just bought a new gps product and have been test-driving it up here in washington -- garmin's nuvi 360 -- and life as i knew it is now forever changed...

what a wonder! i've been driving back-country roads for a couple days now and i haven't gotten lost yet!

my excuse for not driving in the city remains the same -- no parking...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 05:12 PM

August 17, 2006

bead & button 2006

i haven't actually completed any of the projects from bead & button yet but here are some pics of classwork progress:

lisa niven-kelly and laura mccabe's celebration class:



here are a couple pics of a cool jeweler's bench i got to use for a couple of classes. it was fully outfitted with brand new equipment, including a foredom flexible shaft with all the trimmings.... also had access to a rolling press and tons of other cool (expensive) equipment:


Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:30 PM

catching up with life

i'm on vacation right now, up in rainier, wa -- trying to catch up on several things. for some reason (work, mostly i think), i haven't been able to catch up in everyday life since i went to milwaukee back in june. things have been a blur with little time for some of the things i love. with few exceptions, every workday is very full and every weekend has been booked with something or other.

i'll be spending this vacation catching up with threads which were dropped over the last several months -- things i want to pick up once again...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 12:05 PM