May 28, 2006

sf vacation sock progress

mom knitted socks back when she was a teenager, however this is her first sock since then. view label for yarn details.

day 1:

day 2:

:: - :: - ::

i've started on my second pair of socks. view label for yarn details.

day 1:

day 2:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:02 AM

May 25, 2006

ahhhh... first socks

my first pair of socks are done!
view label for yarn details; knitted on two 20" addi turbo circular needles (size 3), cuff down, single sock at a time. nenah galati's written instructions (pdf) here, get her dvd(s) here. i got to meet nenah at the stitches west show in santa clara earlier this year where i picked up her socks1 and socks2 dvd set (which included needles and yarn) -- she's a warm, down-to-earth and funny teacher.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:13 AM

May 21, 2006

post vacation poncho progress

here's the current state of my poncho (after vacation):

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:32 AM

May 19, 2006

hiatus ending

this last week or so i've been feeling a strong need to get back to jewelry design... perhaps this is the end of a long hiatus

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:12 AM


stayed up late last night finishing my very first sock:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:39 AM

May 12, 2006

percussion lessons

i spent some time on thursday braiding a bell anklet:

mom and debbie take percussion lessons once a week. the house is full of musical instruments. jay (of planet percussion) came on thursday to give them a lesson.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:43 PM


i saw a beautiful peony tree yesterday at gordon's garden center in yelm:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:27 PM

vickie's show-n-tell

vickie crochets doilies... not just any doilies.... fancy ones with all kinds of embellishments. here's one (from leisure arts - doilies with a twist) which caught my eye:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:10 PM

around dave's and vickie's place

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:59 PM

May 10, 2006

spring vacation in rainier

arrived yesterday. slept well the first night but have just awoken at 3:30 a.m. with a work nightmare and could not get back to sleep.

snapped many pics and movies the first day but forgot my camera cord. will need to figure out how to download them so i can post.

packing was challenging this time but i did again manage to stick with one small rolling carry-on and my knitting bag which doubled as my purse. united now has on-line checkin similar to southwest so i went through security and straight to the gate -- much faster this time around. dave picked me up within 5 minutes of me walking out to the curb.

it's colder here than i expected but it's been mostly sunny. the daylight here is a different color than in august. in august, the color has a rose tinge but right now it seems to be a more diffused white -- still different than home. the greens seem more tender. there are no vegetables in the garden yet -- only seedlings still waiting to come up or starts which have just been planted. quite a few flowers in mom's garden but not in vickie's -- the rhodies are not yet in full bloom here although i saw many in all different kinds of colors on my ride into rainier from the airport.

everyone here is drained and recuperating from gennessee's unexpected death.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 04:06 AM

May 07, 2006

fawna and buddy

new pics from mom... view her spring garden slideshow (05/21/06)

fawna and buddy:



Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:28 AM

May 06, 2006

joy's show-n-tell

joy's been busy too. here she is with her latest scarf -- a yummyluscious, ultimately caress-able thing of beauty which some lucky person may receive as a gift (it looks like MY colors -- oops, did i say that out loud?):

here are some of joy's holiday show-n-tells which i hadn't gotten around to posting:

bubblemania scarves (click pics for alt views):

teal scarf (click pic for alt view):

and finally, somehow, i missed this holiday show-n-tell rose quartz and pink pearl necklace (click pick for larger view):

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:13 AM

more poncho progress

time for another poncho progress snap. i was hoping to have this completed by the time i went on vacation but it's only just past half-way done. i've slowed down considerably on my knitting -- but it's a good thing... i knit like my life depends on it when i am stressed at work... so this tells me that work stress has lessened.

also, i stopped to work on the sock (click pic to view close-up):

and finish up my froggie purse:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:18 AM