April 26, 2006

a moment

to pause and remember.... i received my papers from the court today. effective date of dissolution: 03/23/2006.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:02 PM

April 24, 2006

cuff down...

toe up, straight, circular, one-at-a-time, two-at-a-time... there are a ton o' ways to knit a sock!

here's my first attempt: cuff down on two circular needles with self-striping yarn:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:33 AM

April 17, 2006

knitting at the all hands meeting

thanks for that great pic (another great poncho pic), pete...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:41 PM

April 14, 2006

norcal bead bazaar 2006

the northern california bead society held its bead bazaar at the oakland marriott city center on 4/1/06. i was there (of course) with my beadie buddies. here's some of my treasure:

these ceramic beads are all by gail splaver. i only purchased the big one in the middle this time around... the rest were purchased over several years. i have been collecting them to put together a necklace and i think i've got enough to do it now. i also own several of her ceramic vessels as well.

these beads are by janice peacock:

i picked up these ceramic pendants at specialty beads:

since i've been knitting so much, i needed to pick up some unique buttons to go with my finished knitted garments. these buttons are from the button shoppe. the silver leaves are actually from the san mateo gem show (from silver sky) which i attended with lynda this past saturday.

there's tons more show and tell for both the bead bazaar and the gem show... for another post at a later time...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:14 AM

April 13, 2006



it's tax time and i haven't done my taxes yet. i dread it. i still haven't found all my papers. i know i'll have to pay, pay, pay.


Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:56 AM

April 12, 2006

learning to knit

ck is learning to knit. here is her first piece:

i am the one who nudged her to see if she'd like it. i hope knitting gives her as much joy and peace as it gives to me.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:44 PM

poncho progress

nearly half-way done. i plan on stopping at the half-way point to finish up my frog purse (nicky epstein design) which i had set aside because i ran out of yarn and had to order more.

(click pic for closer view):

close by is my new timbuk2 metro mini messenger bag (aka knitting bag extraordinaire).
i've been using this bag for more than 2 weeks now. i can't say enough good things about it... it's roomy, got great organizer sections, has a key ring tether which i use to tether all my tools such as my yarn cutter, locking markers, row counter/tape measure, etc. best of all, it's got a vinyl waterproof lining which protects my knitting from the rain -- which is at record levels here in san francisco.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 12:08 AM

April 11, 2006

cheryl's hat

cheryl was here recently for spring break. in the middle of making my poncho, i stopped for a couple of evenings to make her a new hat:

(click pic for a close-up)

unfortunately, the color is not well-suited to her so she left the hat with me. it sits in my drawer, waiting for its rightful owner.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:18 PM

April 10, 2006

christmas toys from cheryl

christmas toys cheryl gave me - they make me smile:

and another:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:18 PM

my new scarf from tracy

i recently wore my new scarf which tracy made... i have such creative friends... lucky me!

blurry me:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:16 PM

April 09, 2006

new knitty online


ooooh, ahhhhh.... the spring issue of knitty is online. i will try to savor every part of it s-l-o-w-l-y... mmmm...


Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:51 PM