November 30, 2005


downloaded the premiere episode of lost (season 1) -- pretty cool, i think i'm hooked...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:01 PM

November 28, 2005

100 things (in progress)

the year is drawing to a close and i feel the need to reflect. i'm working on my '100 things about me' list (still in progress). it will be permanently available under my picture in the far right bottom of this home page:

1. i am a native san franciscan, living and working in san francisco.
2. i attended private (parochial) schools until my junior year in high school... i feel like i've been in recovery ever since.
3. i grew up in the '60's and '70's -- vietnam war, protests, flower power, cold war, civil rights, birth control, women's liberation, men's movement, gay rights movement, altered states of consciousness, ecology movement, black power, reaganomics -- an incredible time in history
4. I attended san francisco state university off and on from 1972 to 2000 and took classes from timothy leary and angela davis. s.i. hiyakawa was in his last year as university president.

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

-- S.I.Hiyakawa

5. i have a ba in psychology and a certificate in multimedia studies (internet technology and design). i am trained in web graphics production, information design, page layout and general user experience, however, i've never really worked that side of the business specifically. i work in web applications development -- production process mostly on the analysis and specification side of things -- formerly producing (and now mostly overseeing) business requirements validation, html prototyping, technical analysis and estimation, design and functional specifications, development process coordination, etc. i like what i do except for the normal things people don't like about their jobs.
6. i've been involved in the internet since 1991 and began working in the web world after making a career change in 1998.
7. my interests in technology do not stem from technology itself but from its nature to act as a catalyst in the ways we live, work together and communicate with each other.
8. in spite of number 7 above, i have been told that i am a geek. i have always been a nerd.
9. i am extremely shy and introverted. in fact, i scored at the very top of the myers briggs test for introversion. i manage my shyness with consistent, conscious effort.
10. my earliest fears were of nuclear annihilation; i remember school practice drills as a young child where we were hustled into the hallways in silence and passed boards to hold over our heads; i remember being obsessed with always knowing where to find the nearest bomb shelter.
11. i have practiced meditation off and on since my early teens.
12. i took piano lessons from the age of 7 through 20.
13. i have a horrible sense of direction which is one of the reasons why i choose not to drive on freeways without a navigator by my side. i have yet to try gps but i hear it may be my magic technology button. i'm just waiting for economics to catch up.
14. i studied and practiced tai chi and related martial arts for several years.
15. i was an avid reader until my eyesight began to turn for the worse in my forties. i have not yet had a pair of prescription glasses which will allow me to read comfortably for more than a few minutes.
16. my poor eyesight is one of my few reminders of age. otherwise, i don't really feel much different.
17. i have a very poor sense of time and space. i cannot tell you when things happened in the past, i can only say it was a long time ago or not too long ago and even then, i could be wrong.
18. sometimes, i can't tell if something really happened or if i dreamed it (although most of the time i can tell...)
19. i often dream the answers to questions or problems i've been thinking about... it's as if my brain never sleeps... it keeps on working on a problem and when i wake, i have the answer.
20. it once took me 25 minutes to find the entrance to the bay bridge once i got down to beale and market.
21. i published a newspaper for classmates in grade school. i think it was called periwinkle news.
22. i turned down a summer scholarship at the academy of art during my senior year of high school and i wonder if my life would be different if i had taken it.
23. i regret to this day some mean things i said as a teen to a neighborhood kid. i try to live consciously to minimize regrets, however, one can only do so much...
24. homeless people bother me -- probably because i don't think it takes extraordinary circumstances to become homeless and i don't have difficulty picturing myself out in the cold. i remember a time when the only homeless people i saw were winos in a very small section of town. then i remember the hospitals were closed and the mentally ill were released and they joined the winos. after that, it just got worse... i don't really understand why it seems to me that the problem became so evident, so quickly... i have always blamed reaganomics for this, however, i understand now that it's a complex problem with many root causes and elusive solutions
25. i quit an 18-year smoking habit (2 packs a day) cold turkey. withdrawal was one of the worst experiences of my life... so much so that i can't imagine falling back into the habit and quitting again. i still crave cigarettes to this day.
26. shortly after quitting, i started to gain weight and it's been a horrible battle ever since... not that i didn't have an eating problem before...
27. i love making jewelry, except when it comes time for a show and I need to produce inventory to sell... i guess that's a not-so-subtle hint that i would probably have a hard time making and selling jewelry for a living.
28. someone asked me today "did i tell the truth?" and i said i always tell the truth. i can't imagine doing it any other way... life is already too complicated
29. for me, in times of stress, it's a struggle to act consciously but i think that's when it really counts.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:28 PM

November 25, 2005

black friday

i'm off to san mateo today for the intergem show with my beadie friends. The weather has just turned from warm indian summer to rainy cold. doesn't matter.... we'll all be inside, distracted by luscious, shiny, bling-blings to notice...

speaking of bling-blings... i finished laura mccabe's sunburst ring design and loved it so much i ordered several more rivoli (in addition to other things). here's my blurry picture of it (i'll try to get a better picture later, maybe):

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:44 AM

November 21, 2005

lost.... and found

lost my wallet on saturday... bummer...

today i found out that michael from genki crepes called my bank to report that i had left my wallet on their counter. i called them up to confirm and picked it up tonight.

anytime you're on clement street and 4th avenue, stop by and get some dessert crepes (i usually get nutella and banana) from them:

genki crepes

thank you michael!!

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:39 PM

November 18, 2005

new digs

view from the new digs

my neighbor

my new space (v 1.0)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:50 AM

November 17, 2005

november 2005 outside meeting

what does it all mean? monster style... double-double...

this month's outside meeting was held at in-n-out at fisherman's wharf. we had quite a few newcomers who had not experienced the joys of in-n-out. we prepped them by describing how to order double-doubles with grilled onions and well-done fries, monster-style. several of the vegetarians ordered the veggie burger (which doesn't actually have a veggie burger between the buns). if you are at a loss too, get the low down on the in-n-out secret menu.

it was a drizzly rainy gray day so we didn't get to lounge in the sun outside as usual. we huddled together at a few tables in the drizzling rain and broke up quickly to return to the office.... sad, sad, sad...




Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:18 PM

goodbye potluck and moving day 2005

it's been a little over two years since we moved from the 18th floor to the 16th floor. i was lucky enough to get an office on 16 and even though i thought i wouldn't really like it, it turns out that now i'll miss it.... last friday we packed up and prepared to move a few blocks away from the main building.

the traditional farewell potluck was held... i must admit, it was better than the one we had 2 years ago... the food was laid out and the people lined up







not quite the sad potluck we had for our prior move...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:57 AM

November 02, 2005

weekend in the bay area

should be a fun weekend... two interesting shows:

bay area bead extravaganza (babe) at the oakland convention center - this show gets better and better each year

association of clay and glass artists (acga) at the herbst pavilion at fort mason center

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:09 AM