June 30, 2005


here's my mewie. she's doing much better than she was in april. she's recovered from her surgeries and is acclimating to her hyperthyroid medication. "pilly time" is not the traumatic experience it once was... i still have to put her in the pill receiving position and pry her mouth open but she greedily gulps down her pills when i toss them down her throat, so she can have her treats.

both kitties will be visiting the vet on saturday -- oh joy....

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:36 PM | Comments (1)

rainier garden 2005... more

more pics from mom's garden

another clematis just starting to bloom:

yellow rose:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:23 PM

June 28, 2005

joy's show-n-tell

joy put together a luscious wedding set for shari:



necklace (click to embiggen)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:27 PM

sparkly wheels

here's some quickie eye candy -- sparkly wheels (designed by nikia angel). i picked up the pattern at the bead and button show and have been playing with my spare beads.


Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:30 PM

June 27, 2005

ferry potluck

this month's "outside meeting" was a last minute potluck on the larkspur ferry. the weather was beautiful and clear. take a look at the snaps. view the same pics as a movie. thanks to vals for the extras.

here's a movie clip panning the bay from the golden gate to the bay bridge. that raucous noise in the background is the wind.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:30 PM

rainier garden 2005


here's mom's annual garden pics. view the same pics as a movie.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:36 PM

June 21, 2005

fawna and the rope swing

remember little fawna?
well, she's grown up a bit. mom sent me some pics of her playing with a rope swing.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:53 PM

June 18, 2005

b&b the last night -- the sorrow is deep...

we're in the process of packing up. we will need to wake before the crack of dawn to shower, check out and catch the shuttle to the airport. it's been a great week... last night we had dinner at polaris, the spinning restaurant atop the hilton. by coincidence there were beautiful fireworks in the brilliant clear night. the late evening city vistas were magnificent. great food, beautiful views, funny and entertaining company -- we couldn't ask for more.

sorry ck for not posting my purchases and their prices -- everything moved at lightening speed once the shopping began on wednesday night.

i do have one more short movie to post after i get home -- it's an interesting example of regional idiosyncrasies.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:34 PM

June 15, 2005

b&b wednesday

hello from the madness of bead and button!
joy, lynda and leslee

here we are in line waiting for the "meet the teachers" reception tonight. the teachers are gathered with samples of their work, kits, instructions and finished pieces for sale. we dare you to view the madness (quicktime movie)

p.s. kelly, lynda told me what you put her up to.... SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:40 PM | Comments (1)

June 14, 2005

b&b tuesday

today was my day of rest. i lazed around the hotel, went shopping at the local malls, visited the Milwaukee Public Museum to see their exhibit on Pearls -- very nice. i picked up the companion book as a souvenir.

here's a pic of the midwest airline convention center, where many of the classes are taking place. it will also be the vendor site beginning thursday evening and going through the weekend.

guess what's behind our hotel -- just can't get away....

Posted by lesleeroberts at 03:13 PM | Comments (0)

June 13, 2005

b&b monday

spent a grueling but thoroughly enjoyable day (9:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.) in class working on wire weaving techniques with dallas lovett. managed to finish the entire project in class although it was only because the class was very focused and no breaks were taken -- we had to practically beg for lunch. by the end of the day, i was exhausted, aching and hungry.

we met alethia donathan, debbie nishihara, and a few other beadie people at the italian restaraunt across from the hotel. i had calamari for dinner (in addition to chicken corn chowder of which there is no photo) -- it was very good:

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:16 PM | Comments (0)

June 12, 2005

we finally made it....

haven't bought anything yet... just catching up.

joy, lynda, leslee

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:50 PM | Comments (0)

June 08, 2005

new toy...

my sister debbie is a fishing FANATIC!!!!! she just bought a "new" boat and trailer (circa 1965). you can be sure she's ecstatic!


Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:51 PM | Comments (1)

June 06, 2005


bd_indosilverwdropshadow.jpgin less than a week, i will be flying eastward to the great bead heaven in the midwest -- milwaukee, wisconsin - site of the largest annual trade bead conference in this country, the bead and button show. it is a frenzied week of classes, events, shopping, meals with old friends and vendors from just about everywhere.

bd_dotty.jpgwe get up at the crack of dawn, rush to breakfast, then into classes. we're up till late in the evening, visiting with friends, old and new, attending evening events or beading well into the late night, preparing for the next day of classes.

shopping begins on thursday with a private evening with the vendors. this is where the shopping is fast and furious -- everyone vying for unusual, one of kind pieces from their favorite artists. i do not schedule classes on friday -- that day is devoted to a slow, methodical examination of every vendor's booth.

by the end of the week, i am both exhausted and invigorated -- exhausted by the frenzy and lack of sleep and invigorated by the creativity of like-minded, passionate fanatics -- the immersion is so complete.

bd_thaisilverwdrop.jpgnothing surpasses this experience except for the intensity of the two weeks every year in tucson, arizona, where the world gathers for the annual tucson gem and mineral show. half the gemstones available in the world are in tucson during these two weeks. i've attended the tucson show only once -- it was too much for me... bd_ovington_duo_wdropshadow.jpgthis is where the pros go, thousands of dollars passing hands every minute. i'm building up to this event -- maybe in 2006...

tomorrow, i'll try to figure out what to bring and how to pack.

bead notes: left-top to bottom: (1) Don Adams warring states bead - glass; (2) blue dot on yellow - glass - can't remember the artist; (3) glass cane beads; (4) Karen Ovington glass beads. right-top to bottom: (1) bali silver beads; (2) Michael Barley glass bead; (3) thai silver beads

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:51 PM | Comments (0)

June 05, 2005

happy birthday cheryl!


much love, mom

Posted by lesleeroberts at 11:14 PM | Comments (0)

June 02, 2005

what muppet are you?

of course pete's got this cool quiz thing on his blog so i had to try it out...

this is me:

You are Janice. You dig the groove man, nothing can bum you out.

Too bad you're too stoned to notice.

Like, you know, guitar, fer sure.

"Finding Your Past Lives on the Web"

"Fer sure, like, fer sure."

Peace, love and, like, granola, totally.

Her inner child.

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:24 PM | Comments (2)