April 29, 2005

getting better...

or maybe just getting more ornery...

it's gotten a lot harder to give mewie her daily antibiotic pill. i used to wonder how many times it would take for her to spit it out before the pill would start to disintegrate... i now know that it's about 6 or 7 times, give or take a few. i am amazed at her abilities in this regard. she can spit with projectile results, she can hawk it up from halfway down her throat, she can do all this while twisting, yowling, growling, fighting and running from one side of the room to the other. however, in the end, she always takes her pill and we are both exhausted by the ordeal. we each retreat to our beds to recover. i allot half an hour in the evening for this draining, life-sucking ordeal.

there must be a better way...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:55 AM | Comments (1)

April 22, 2005

spring pics

mom's spring garden 2005


Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:57 PM | Comments (0)

April 21, 2005


dave's and vicky's cat, binky, was so matted that she had to be sedated and shaved.... poor baby!




Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:35 PM | Comments (2)

April 20, 2005


more surgery, more stitches.... poor mewie. i kinda knew things were not going well when the morning vet appointment to check the wound took way longer than expected. turns out she needed more surgery. i just picked her up... she's a little wonky from the anesthesia but the new sutures look much better. i hope her scooting behavior doesn't mess up her stitches...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:10 PM | Comments (0)

April 18, 2005


two snapshots from tonight's ichat with mom:



Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:36 PM | Comments (0)

pretty funny...

this is from one of the photoblogs on my daily list: dumb ass/red ass from ground glass

pretty funny...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:57 AM | Comments (0)

April 16, 2005


we just got back from the vet. mewie's drain was removed. we will need to visit the vet again on wednesday morning to check the wound. i also found out that she has hyperthyroidism and needs to be treated (after this abcess has healed). this is why she eats so much and is continuing to get skinny. this also might be why one of her kidneys is enlarged. i will probably need to bring chi in to check him too since he seems to be very fat and doesn't really eat much -- maybe he has a similar problem?

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:28 AM | Comments (1)

April 13, 2005


my poor mewie is a sick kitty -- large necrotic abcess... she had surgery today to clean the wound. i took her to the vet today because she didn't respond when i called her for her morning treats -- this is a sign of real sickness -- that's when i spotted the swollen wound area near her tail. she's been crotchety. she has one of those plastic collars around her neck so she can't pull out her drain tube or her stitches. i need to apply a warm wet compress of medicine water to the wound to keep it clean. i also need to give her a pill -- this will be some trick.

i think the collar really bothers her because she can't see or manuever very well. god i hope these next three days go by quickly....


Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:14 PM | Comments (0)

April 12, 2005


i don't know why, but everytime ck mentions isis to me, i picture this tiny little teacup doggie with cute hair... whatever gave me that idea???
(click pic to embiggen)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:33 PM | Comments (0)

April 09, 2005

sand and sable

here's a quick and dirty scan of the class project i completed today. this is dallas lovett's sand and sable necklace. keishi pearls, seed beads (san francisco arts and crafts), fine silver (various gauges), handmade fine silver headpins, focal bead is barbara becker simon's amber bubble bead and accent beads are from pudgy beads (i think). i cheated on the chain finish -- too anxious to complete the handmade chain and s-clasp, i substituted ready-made sterling silver chain and a lobster claw clasp. i will end up making another one of these anyway just to get the practice in. very good teacher, interesting wire-weaving technique; beautiful design aesthetic. class was held at the beading frenzy in san mateo. dallas is teaching at the bead and button conference in milwaukee in june. his store, trade wind gallery, is located in arizona.

(click pic to embiggen)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:00 PM | Comments (0)

April 06, 2005






Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:47 PM | Comments (0)

April 03, 2005


i've been seeing some interesting things in the make:blog. check out the make:blog article on this optical illusion and this other site which has tons more optical illusions.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:07 AM | Comments (0)


someone is $72 million dollars richer... and it's NOT me!!@$#*

the melody is playing on in my head.... i'm so sad cuz it's gonna be monday....

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:39 AM | Comments (0)


another year of the wild life slips by and life is just as good as ever (if not better)...


the gang (and it's growing) celebrated gs's bday this past week. our monthly "outside" meeting was a relaxed lunch at fuzio's -- this is what makes the work days worth it. check out the snaps -- "mov" version and "still" version.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 01:30 AM | Comments (0)

April 02, 2005

farmers market

just got back from an early morning run to the farmers market at the ferry building with Lyn and her mom. picked up these very lovely flowers, scallops, salmon, and veggies for the week. as always, i left there lusting for more... i guess there's always next week. gotta run now to get the errands and chores done but will be posting some bday pics soon.


Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:43 AM | Comments (0)