March 22, 2005



Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:15 PM

home today...

i'm stuck at home today because i threw my back out again. it's only 7:30 a.m. and i'm already bored... clicking around on the keyboard with nothing in mind...

oh my, i just relived an old vacation -- ahhhh.... that was nice -- trinidad & tobago 2002.

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:40 AM | Comments (0)

March 03, 2005

mika's show-n-tell

mika's first practice wirework necklace -- wow -- that's fantastic!

(click to embiggen - will open in a new window)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:34 PM

March 02, 2005


i shaketh my head

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:46 PM

March 01, 2005


another round of updates tonight but now it's all done... i'm way done... i'll haul this machine downstairs tomorrow because i just might kill myself going down the stairs tonight... i'm wasted.

classic os 9.2.2
mac os 10.3.8
safari bookmarks transferred
screen resolution and fonts set for "challenged eyesight"
email set up and ready to go
wireless network expanded, secure and strong connection

Posted by lesleeroberts at 09:36 PM

busy night...

after video-chatting with my mom last night, i find out that i need to try to reinstall classic os (9.2.2.) to run this old fantastic casino game package for dad. so, the goal is to have both os versions available -- 9.2.2 and 10.3.8. i hauled the imac back upstairs and worked on reinstalling til way past my bedtime. i had left the system at 10.2 and wasn't planning to go any further but what the heck.... so I begin with the original install disks which came with that machine 9.0.4. then on to 9.1 to 9.2.2 then firmware upgrade 4.1.9 then 10.3 then auto-software updates to 10.3.8 which is current BUT {{WHAT THE HECK?!?}} OOPS... i somehow overwrote classic!?!

oh well, guess i know what i'm doing tonight (and maybe the night after... and after...)

Posted by lesleeroberts at 06:46 AM