February 27, 2005

busy day...

expanded the wireless network to cover three floors so i could move the imac downstairs for dad to use. now he can dump his dialup account and give the winsys to noah. i had to move the base station to the foyer and relocate all the relays but there's good coverage on all floors. my g4 powerbook antenna must be pretty lackluster because it has the worst reception. even when i sit right next to the imac (which has full capacity reception) on the ground floor, the powerbook shows only two bars -- it works but just barely...

i may still shift the relays to see if i can improve the coverage. i may also mount the base station antenna in a different position as well.... tweak, tweak, tweak...

Posted by lesleeroberts at 10:05 PM

February 15, 2005

beaddreamer show-n-tell

joy's been busy....

queen's link

maria's twisted kumihimo

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:32 AM

February 09, 2005

greedy buddy

here's greedy buddy... he's got three different toys in his mouth!

Posted by lesleeroberts at 07:00 AM

February 05, 2005

Excellence v. Perfection

I've been working hard to downsize the mess at home. That means sorting through piles and piles of papers, bags and boxes of accumulated material. It weighs me down, it burdens me and as I let it all go, I feel so much better.

In the process, I've found some things which have been lost for a while... here's one:

Excellence v. Perfection

Excellence is willing to be wrong
- Perfection is being right
Excellence is risk
- Perfection is fear
Excellence is powerful
- Perfection is anger and frustration
Excellence is spontaneous
- Perfection is control
Excellence is accepting
- Perfection is judgment
Excellence is confidence
- Perfection is doubt
Excellence is flowing
- Perfection is pressure
Excellence is journey
- Perfection is destination

Posted by lesleeroberts at 08:54 PM