October 23, 2008

show n tell

been busy with my spinning and knitting:

i'm currently spinning three colors of artfiber's raki which i'm planning to knit into socks - per the artfiber description - "it's 100% merino wool, sustainably produced on small family owned ranches (stations) near Mount Cook in New Zealand's pristine southern alps. the ranching families have been raising sheep on the same land for over 100 years -- now that's sustainability! this wool is notable for high "crimp" -- a wavy springiness that increases softness and adds warmth without weight." spinning it on my golding spindle.
artfibers .jpg

sadly, artfibers will be closing its store on sutter street on jan 31, 2009 and i don't know how long they will continue to sell online -- makes me very sad. read about their state of being (or more appropriately, un-being) here. it's true what they say -- if i didn't buy any yarn and beads for a year, i would still have enough materials for projects for years to come.

i picked up this rich blue (why doesn't it look blue in my picture?!?!? arghh?!?!) romney and romney cross with white tencel and hand-dyed silk noil from carolina homespun called home of the brave (click link to see the real color). spun on my bosworth morado spindle, two plies. i have yet to wash and set the twist. i will try to replace this picture with one more closely resembling its true color.

i finally finished knitting my berocco dot bag. all i need to do now is felt it and attach the finishing belt straps.
berocco dot bag.jpg

Posted by lesleeroberts at October 23, 2008 07:29 PM