April 04, 2008

long term goals

weigh-in.jpgnearly 5 years ago, i attended an employee health fair at work -- it was crowded and there were tons of different tests available for us to take. when i finally had my turn to take my blood pressure, i remember the nurse's face when she turned to me and said i should get to the doctor as soon as possible. time kind of stopped for a few seconds -- her face was very serious. coincidentally, i had a doctor appointment the next day.

turns out i had high blood pressure, probably for quite a long time.

after that appointment i put together a long term plan to get healthy -- the Get Healthy Leslee plan. it was my goal to do it by the time i was 50 (at that time, a couple of years off).

well, it took a little longer than that but i have dropped 50 pounds and am continuing to strive with weight watchers. i saw my doctor yesterday and she said it was time to stop the high blood pressure medicine.

part of the plan was that by the time i felt i could actually ride a bike, i was going to buy one -- well, that time has come too.... my strida 5 should arrive today!

Posted by lesleeroberts at April 4, 2008 06:27 AM