March 01, 2008

first outing

i went out last weekend -- it was my first outing since getting sick.

i went to stitches 2008 in santa clara with lynda and joy! it was sooooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!

i have put aside all of my knitting projects in progress and started up on rimrock cape by cat bordhi. i'm doing it in elderberry colorway. here's an in-progress pic with my new camera -- sorry it's so blurry, i need to practice taking pics with the new camera:

i also picked up a drop spindle (bosworth morado 1.89 oz) and some roving to try my hand at spinning. here's a pic of the yarn (knitted) which i spun (along with a couple of very patient teachers) at the carolina homespun booth. i have not been able to duplicate the steps with the roving i bought so i'm going to need to practice a whole lot more or take some lessons.
first spin.jpg

Posted by lesleeroberts at March 1, 2008 03:04 PM