December 25, 2007

Okonomiyaki (Japanese Savory Pancake)

I like using shrimp :) I make this again and again. It makes a lot, too. Add more or less flour to the mixture to make the pancake more or less thick. I prefer a less flour-y pancake. For some reason I think I used only half the flour or something ridiculous like that. Oh well, make to your taste.

Japanese Cooking, Emi Kazuko

Makes eight

1.75 cups plain flour
1 scant cup water
1 egg, beaten
pinch of salt
2 spring onions (scallions), roughly chopped
7 oz white napa cabbage, very thinly sliced
vegetable oil for frying
Japanese okonomiyaki sauce or Worcestershire sauce
English (hot) mustard
ao nori

For the toppings:
8 oz raw prawns, heads and shells removed
some scallops? squid can be used, but tends to cook a little too quickly for the rest of the pancake

1. Put flour into a large mixing bowl and mix well with the water. Add the beaten eggs and salt and blend together. Add the spring onion and one-third of the sliced cabbage, then mix well. Repeat until all of the cabbage is mixed in and evenly coated with batter.

2. Put a heavy frying pan on high heat. When hot, oil the base with kitchen paper soaked in oil. Remove from the heat when the oil starts to smoke and wait for 10-15 seconds until the smoke dies down. Reduce the heat to medium and return the frying pan back t the heat.

3. Make pancakes, one at a time, with the cabbage mix, placing toppings onto the surface and pressing in with spatula. When done on one side, turn over and press down into pan to make flatter.

4. When done, spread on okonomiyaki sauce, mustard and mayonnaise, sprinkle with kezuri-bushi and ao nori. Just before serving sprinkle withe beni-shoga.

Posted by cheryl at December 25, 2007 02:55 PM