December 25, 2007

Gammodoki (tofu mixture dumplings)

wholesome flavor, don't overcook/brown

Home-made Gammodoki

Makes about twelve balls

1 standard firm (cotton) tofu
Five 2 by 1 inch pieces konbu or 1/8-1/4 oz hijiki
1/4 carrot, peeled
2 dried shiitake mushrooms, softened and stems trimmed
8 green beans, trimmed
1 egg
salt, shoyu, and mirin
1 tbsp black sesame seeds
vegetable oil for frying

1. Press the tofu by weighing it down to get rid of the water (~1 hour).
2. Meanwhile soak the konbu or hijiki in tepid water for 30 minutes, then drain and chop roughly into 1-2cm/ 1/2-3/4 inch long shreds.
3. Cut the carrot, shiitake, and green beans into 1/2-3/4 inch shreds.
4. Put the tofu in a suribachi (Japanese grinding bowl) or a food processor with the egg, a pinch of salt, and a dash each of shoyu and mirin. Grind or process to a very smooth consistency.
5. Transfer the tofu mixture to a large bowl. Add all the vegetable shreds and sesame seeds and mix well.
6. Heat the oil for frying in a deep frying pan to about 250F. Spoon a heaped teaspoonful of the mixture onto your wet palm and mould into a small oval shape about 3/4 inch thick.
7. Place in the hot oil and deep-fry for 2-3 minutes, or until both sides are a light golden brown; drain on kitchen paper.
8. When all tofu balls have been fried, reheat oil to 340F. Fry the balls again to make them crisp. Serve hot as an appetizer or main course, accompanied by some grated daikon with a little shoyu.

Posted by cheryl at December 25, 2007 02:36 PM