December 25, 2007

Deep Fried Tofu/Eggplant in Dashi Stock

good using eggplant!! :)

Deep Fried Tofu in Dashi Stock
Japanese Cooking, Emi Kazuko

Serves Four

2 10.75 oz. packets long life soft or silken tofu
vegetable oil, for frying
2 tbsp plain (all purpose) flour

For the sauce:
.25 cup shoyu
.25 cup mirin
pinch of salt
1.25 cups second dashi stock, or the same amount of water and 1.5 tsp dashi-no-moto

For the garnish:
1 in fresh ginger root, peeled and finely grated
4 tbsp finely chopped chives

1. Drain the water from the tofu. Carefully open the packet and then wrap the tofu in 2-3 layers of kitchen paper. Set a chopping board, or large plate with a weight, on top to press the tofu, and leave for at least 30 minutes for the excess liquid to be absorbed by the kitchen paper.

2. To make the sauce, place the shoyu, mirin, salt and dashi stock in a small pan over a medium heat. Mix well, cook for 5 minutes, then set aside.

3. Squeeze the grated ginger and make into four small balls. Set aside.

4. Unwrap the tofu and pat dry with another sheet of kitchen paper. Slice one tofu block into four squares each about 2.5 in. Repeat with the other tofu block.

5. Heat the oil to about 375 F. Dust the tofu with the flour and slide into the oil. Deep fry until golden brown. Drain well on kitchen paper.

6. Arrange two tofu pieces in each of four small bowls. Reheat the sauce and gently pour from the side of the bowl. Try not to splash over the tofu. Put a ginger ball on the tofu and sprinkle with chives. Serve hot.

Posted by cheryl at December 25, 2007 02:31 PM