December 25, 2007

Brown Rice and Mushrooms in Clear Soup

Good, stock may be too intense; use less soy

Brown Rice and Mushrooms in Clear Soup
Serves Four

4 cups second dashi stock, or the same amount of water and 4 tsp. dashi-no-moto
4 tbsp sake
1 tsp salt (I find not necessary)
4 tbsp shoyu
4 oz. fresh shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 lb, 5 oz cooked brown rice, short grain japanese or italian type is best
2 large eggs (US extra large), beaten
2 tbsp. chopped fresh chives

For garnish:
1 tbsp sesame seeds
shichimi togarashi (optional)

1. Mix the dashi stock, sake, salt, and shoyu in large pan. Bring to a boil, then add the sliced shiitake. Cook for 5 minutes over a medium heat.

2. Add the cooked brown rice to the pan and stir gently over medium heat with a wooden spoon. Break up any large chunks, and thoroughly warm the rice through.

3. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan as if drawing a whirlpool. Lower the heat and cover. Do not stir.

4. Remove the pan from the heat after about 3 minutes, and allow to stand for 3 minutes more. The egg should be just cooked. Sprinkle the chopped chives into the pan.

5. Serve the dish in individual bowls. Garnish with sesame seeds and shichimi togarashi, if you like.

Posted by cheryl at December 25, 2007 02:24 PM