December 23, 2007

what to do

i've set up my dad's computer in my bedroom and restored much of my stuff onto it but i miss my laptop. it's old, it's heavy, i don't know why i miss it so....

i went to visit to try to diagnose the problem. i've used their services before to diagnose and replace my old ipod hard drive and it worked. from their list of common problems for my laptop, it sounds like my hard drive is in the process of kicking the bucket -- it has the characteristic clicking and whirring sounds and the laptop sometimes displays the flashing question mark folder when i try to boot it up. it boots up sometimes but not always.

i think i'll try to replace the hard drive and see if that fixes it. i'll have to order a new hard drive but they are not that expensive -- it seems worth it to try it.

Posted by lesleeroberts at December 23, 2007 04:53 PM