December 16, 2007

holiday frenzy

thanks to disk first aid and tech tool deluxe, i was able to resurrect my computer. it's not completely fixed, just fixed enough to limp along until march, when i plan on replacing it.

it's a big hassle, having your computer fizzle out, but luckily, i had recently subscribed to mozy and had nearly backed up everything on my computer, except my music (which i am now backing up). mozy is an online back-up service which encrypts your files and then saves it to another server. once your files are initially all backed up, then only the changes are saved. the initial backup takes forever but after that, it's fast.

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i am in the throws of "holiday gift-making frenzy." what is that? that's when i ask myself whether i can possibly knit another pair of socks in two days... and i seriously consider it. this time of year for me is filled with crazed visions of gifts springing from my fingers by the hour. seriously, i just cast on a sock and told myself that, yes, i could indeed finish the pair by tuesday afternoon... but i have come to my senses. it cannot be done... i'll have to concentrate on finishing the jewelry instead.

Posted by lesleeroberts at December 16, 2007 10:24 PM