June 24, 2007

driving with cheryl

over the last several weeks, cheryl has been learning to drive.

we started out practicing in the back parking lots in the presidio behind our house and out by the zoo, just to prepare for the "paid" lessons. then, to practice between "paid" lessons, we graduated to driving in the outer avenues, parking, driving in traffic.

today, we went on the freeway, this was her second time but our first time together (her first time was with her paid instructor) -- we drove on to the golden gate bridge and up to the fireman's fund offices in novato, where she could have worked if she only knew how to drive at the time. we sat on the lawn and took a short break. then we visited a mall and then downtown novato where had lunch and shopped. she drove us home over the golden gate bridge, both of us with bags of candies from powell's sweet shoppe in novato.

we won't talk about how i nearly croaked when she suggested we take a drive to novato... it all turned out fine... she drives pretty well.




Posted by lesleeroberts at June 24, 2007 05:02 PM