February 06, 2006

sickie sick

i have been sick now since december 22. that's a way long time to be miserable. i went to visit yet another doctor on thursday and got a boatload of drugs. amazingly, the relief was immediate. coughing was much less frequent, didn't feel like an elephant on my chest, headaches had ceased, and i slept well a couple of nights. actually had some energy to do some house chores and got a couple of "to do's" crossed off the list. it actually felt like i was beginning to be alive again.

i'm now at the point of tapering off on some of the meds and i can feel the backslide. the headaches are back but i can't tell if it's the med withdrawal or if it's the new glasses i got on saturday. i'll watch it for the next day or two but the doctor gave me a prescription for amoxicillan which was to be used for just this purpose (sinus infection may be the culprit).

Posted by lesleeroberts at February 6, 2006 09:47 PM