January 01, 2006


could it be???? i'm actually feeling better today... not completely well, but at least better!!!!

i guess it's now time to think about attending to the many, many chores which have gone untouched since the 22nd (has it been that long?!?!?!) -- the unkempt state of the house, the barren shelves, general personal dishevelment... and what happened in my bedroom?!?! tornado???

i'm tired just thinking about it... maybe i'll just rest...

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i have been spending some time on the computer, rediscovering the first needlearts skill i learned at age 7 from grammy -- knitting. if you are a knitter as well, check out knitty, a quarterly e-magazine crammed with interesting articles, patterns, ads, etc.; past issues (and patterns) are available in their archives... hours of fun!

sisters_bamboo_set.jpgi've pulled out all of grammy's knitting gear -- needles, tools, yarns, etc. i have inherited a treasure-trove of needles. however, there are a number of sizes i am missing and several broken sets. of course i have remedied this situation by ordering a couple of interchangeable needle sets -- one in plastic (denise interchangeables) and one in bamboo (bamboo sister set, at left, by plymouth yarn company) (i don't like aluminum because it makes my hands tired). i know that i've also got many of her pattern books (in some box in the sunroom, somewhere...). i look forward to rediscovering those as well...

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btw, happy new year!

Posted by lesleeroberts at January 1, 2006 09:25 AM