August 12, 2005

rainier 2005 - day 1

entrance to dave's and vicky's

dave's and vicky's house

dahlia from vicky's garden

today's travel day was tons easier than yesterday's. had a leisurely, uneventful flight to seattle. dave picked me up within 10 minutes of calling. settled in at the house with vicky and dave. visited mom's place and took tons of pics of her garden (coming soon). had dinner and chatted with deb. was back at the house by 8pm and ready to pass out. everyone's getting up early in the morning to go fishing at 5:30. i'll be sleeping in...

the past week [month] [year] has been hectic to say the least. it's time to recuperate.

Posted by lesleeroberts at August 12, 2005 08:40 PM