March 01, 2005

busy night...

after video-chatting with my mom last night, i find out that i need to try to reinstall classic os (9.2.2.) to run this old fantastic casino game package for dad. so, the goal is to have both os versions available -- 9.2.2 and 10.3.8. i hauled the imac back upstairs and worked on reinstalling til way past my bedtime. i had left the system at 10.2 and wasn't planning to go any further but what the heck.... so I begin with the original install disks which came with that machine 9.0.4. then on to 9.1 to 9.2.2 then firmware upgrade 4.1.9 then 10.3 then auto-software updates to 10.3.8 which is current BUT {{WHAT THE HECK?!?}} OOPS... i somehow overwrote classic!?!

oh well, guess i know what i'm doing tonight (and maybe the night after... and after...)

Posted by lesleeroberts at March 1, 2005 06:46 AM